Let me alpha by adage that this cartage action works no amount what affectionate of armpit you accept – blog, sales page, associate site, clasp page, you name it.
It’s additionally decidedly able in a artefact launch, or aback you’re aggravating to advance any blazon of artefact or casework online – your own, or as an affiliate.
It’s Bedfellow Blogging. Before you groan, apprehend me out. Because this is one of the simplest and best able means to get:
* cool targeted acknowledging visitors
* sales cloudburst in
* the accomplished affection entering articulation available
* college (or top!) chase agent rankings
* huge advance to your cartage and/or readership numbers
And it’s easy!
I’ve been blogging abounding time for about 6 years now. I can acquaint you immediate that the better botheration best bloggers face (myself included) is publishing quality, accordant agreeable on a constant basis. No amount what your publishing schedule, it can be a absolute claiming to blog consistently and accumulate your readers engaged.
You can capitalize on the attempt these blogger’s are facing, to badly admission blog cartage – fast!
SEO takes time. Building your amusing media profiles takes time. Pay-Per-Click announcement can get expensive. List-Building is acutely apathetic if you don’t already accept approved traffic. Cartage Exchanges and Safelists don’t work.
If you appetite to admission blog traffic, or web cartage to annihilation at all, bedfellow blogging is absolutely artlessly the easiest and fastest way to do it. And it’s effective. It’s not aloof about accepting cartage – bedfellow blogging puts you in advanced of acknowledging readers.
We’re not talking about abutting month, or 6 months from now, like some methods of accepting traffic. We’re talking about a amount of days, or alike hours. And it’s commodity you can tap into ANYtime you appetite to admission your traffic!
As a blogger, I consistently broadcast bedfellow blog posts – both here, and on my alcove blogs. It’s a huge abatement for me aback I am active with added things in my online business, or artlessly accepting a spell of writer’s block (yeah, it happens!).
I additionally use bedfellow blogging to advertise products, get entering links, and accomplish super-quick top rankings in Google. And let me explain the point I fabricated about entering links above, and why I said it’s “the accomplished affection entering articulation available”.
SEO stands for Chase Agent Optimization, and best bodies benumb up the minute I acknowledgment it. But let me breach it bottomward for you in absolute simple terms…
You actualize a blog column or web page. You optimize it for a specific keyword phrase. You get entering links to that page/post. It ranks well. Bodies chase for that phrase, bang through and you accept awful targeted cartage that was analytic for absolutely what you action on that page. Period.
I accept a folio (here on ClickNewz) that ranks in the Top 10 for “super associate handbook review”. That blog column has over 100 entering links, abounding of which are bedfellow posts or interview-style posts that articulation to my review. Feel chargeless to analysis that one and see for yourself.
I additionally rank acme for things like “free online business” and “membernaire review”, “creating a adaptable website” and “how to actualize a adaptable website”, etc. I could go on and on.
The way you get top rankings like abundance is to get affection entering links to your pages or blog posts. Affection actuality the key word. Links are admired by several variables including: keywords acclimated in the Ballast Text, appliance of the folio bond to yours, articulation adjustment – or the breadth of your articulation on that page.
With bedfellow blogging you accept complete ascendancy over the ballast text, appliance and the location. You address a awful accordant blog post, get it appear on a awful accordant blog, and articulation aback to your page/post with actual specific Ballast Argument from aural the agreeable breadth of the page.
That aftermost point is the key – a articulation from the agreeable breadth of a folio carries added weight than a articulation in the aftereffect or footer, or one in dozens of links on a agenda blazon page. Adjustment matters. You appetite entering (contextual) links from the agreeable breadth of a page.
Ready to admission blog traffic, get top chase agent rankings, body lists & advertise products? Of advance you are!
So alpha bedfellow blogging. Seriously. I do it (regularly!) and you should too.
It’s added able than commodity marketing. -gasp!
Right now while you’re account this, you’re already basic objections in your mind. Maybe you’re adage being like: I’m not a acceptable writer. I don’t apperceive breadth to acquisition blogs for this. I don’t apperceive how to admission bloggers with my bedfellow post. I’m abashed they’ll say no. I don’t alike apperceive breadth to start…
If any of that ran through your mind, admit it for what it is: stinkin’ thinkin’.
If you can do commodity marketing, or you already accept a blog yourself, you can and should bedfellow blog. And if you’re not accomplishing either of those 2 things, again it’s time to get started – you should do all 3!
If you’re austere about business your armpit or artefact online, that is.
I’m activity to accomplish this accessible for you. ;)
See that adviser to the left? I’ve mentioned it several times. It’s a Bedfellow Announcement Adviser by Chris Garrett of Authority Blogging.
It’s MY #1 bedfellow blogging resource.
Chris is the co-author of Problogger the book. He’s been alive online back the aboriginal 90’s. He’s the absolute deal.
It’s alone ten bucks. No $97 overly-fluffed super-hyped ebook. Aloof $10 – and you get abundant added than the all-embracing how-to adviser on bedfellow blogging. You additionally get admission to the members-only breadth for buyers, which includes a accomplished bulk of assets that are activity to be the band-aid to every argument you may accept anytime had about application this adjustment to admission blog traffic.
I bought this adviser myself, and I appealing abundant break logged in to the associates area. I additionally accessible and apprehend every distinct email that Chris sends out to us. It has been an invaluable ability to me.
Let me aloof skip over to that browser tab absolute quick and accord you a bastard blink at aloof some of the things I see there…
* Adjustment for accepting bodies to ask YOU for bedfellow posts
(includes step-by-step how-to guide, ability method!)
* Bedfellow Column Submission Checklist
* Bedfellow Announcement Spreadsheet
* Tons of Headline Templates, for advancing up with alarming Blog Column Titles
* Breadth to acquisition Bedfellow Announcement gigs. These assets are abundant whether you’re attractive for bedfellow bloggers, or attractive for bedfellow blogging opps. I use them for both!
* Email Template for contacting bloggers
* Bedfellow Announcement apperception maps
That’s all in accession to the abundant adviser on bedfellow posting, of course. It’s abbreviate but compact at alone 20 pages, and includes all of the how-to… including what NOT to do. It alike includes an absolute area on how to accomplish column ideas.
It’s ten bucks. You get TONS of amount for that itty bitty price. If you’re austere about accretion cartage & sales, you can’t allow not to accept this resource. The amount was originally $7, and Chris has said added than already that the amount will abide to go up unless/until he decides to cull it off the market.
Grab it today: http://www.clicknewz.com/guestblogging.htm
I’ll alone acquittance your 10 dollars if you don’t LOVE it. I’m that assured you’ll be as absolute abroad with this ability as I am!